public class SourceExplorer
extends java.lang.Object
A tag starts //= and extends to the end of line.
Lines must begin //@ or end with a tag, but not both.
Tag descriptions - //TAG
A line beginning //TAG is a tag description.
The line continues with space, tag name, space, and tag description.
The "used-by" Hierarchy - //USED
A given tag is "used-by" another if the latter must be present
in an extracted source in order to execute the given tag.
For instance, a table tag will be used-by each table column tag
in order to be executable.
The "used-by" hierarchy is expressed by lines of the form
//USED used-tag list-of-using-tags
Indentation may relate successive lines. It is not checked.
Sections - //@
The source may be divided into sections, perhaps one per method.
//@ string
and end with
//@end string
where the two strings must be the same
Subsets - //SUBSET
A subset is a selection of tags that comprises an executable
program. Usually there are a sequence of subsets, each a more complex
program than the one before. A subset line is of the form
//SUBSET subsetName tag-list
where the tags describe the subset. Subset names are in all caps.