From our dock, we were able to gaze across the island and see Diamondhead.
When we got to Honolulu, Semester At Sea hosted us all at a luau. Some people really got into the spirit.
Here are Susan and I enjoying the luau.
The next day Susan and Ellyn visited the Polynesian Cultural Center run by the Mormons on the other side of Oahu. Behind Ellyn is a Fiji temple.
The Cultural Center features South Sea islanders wearing authentic costumes and demonstrating various native crafts. These warriors are preparing for a dance.
This unstill life study by Susan contrasts the first blue sky of our trip with a rich medley of leaves.
One boat in the daily aquatic parade.
At the quilting exhibition, this cheerful lady was working on one of her own creations.
Sunset from the stern one evening in Honolulu.