> pictools > doc > MakeServerPix
> pictools > doc > MakeServerPix
Pictools: MakeFile Internals
V3.3 (445)
Ensure that pictures are scaled and uploaded; called from MakeTargets
usage, in a pictures directory: make -f $PICTOOLS/MakeServerPix

MakeServerPix is not usually invoked directly; it is executed from MakeTargets when the captions file has picturesdir: lines. However, it is not a mistake to invoke it as noted in usage, above, or via an invocation in some other Makefile. Each picture will only be scaled or uploaded once.

Where Live the Pictures

The directory listed in a picturesdir: line is the eventual server directory. On the source platform, the directory name will be different; it will begin with the value of property PICTURESROOT. To get the server name, the PICTURESROOT name must be replaced by the value of property PICTREESUBPATH, which is where pictures reside on the server. The default value of PICTREESUBPATH is "/pictures", so that string must start every value on a picturesdir: line.

More tediously, refer to the directories diagram. Pictures reside on the source platform in a subdirectory of PICTURESROOT and on the server in the same subdirectory of PICTREESUBPATH. The full ftp name of the server picture tree is SSHDEST/PICSDIR/PICTREESUBPATH.

Make Targets

MakeServerPix inherits from MakeVars these targets: all, buildall, uploadall, uploadsubdirs, clean, cleanall, and cleansubdirs. It defines for itself two targets:

build Scale the local pictures into the staging area.
upload Uploads to the server those files created by build.

Environment and Properties

The environment, typically via Pictools.properties, must have definitions of PICTURESROOT, STAGINGAREA, SSHDEST, and PICSDIR, PIXSTAGE.

The properties IMAGESCALE and THUMBSCALE are the scaling factors passed to the -scale option of ImageMagick's convert operator. Typical values are 648x648> and 144x144>, respectively; see ImageMagick's Image Geometry for the many forms the parameter may take. 

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