> pictools > doc > login
> pictools > doc > login
Pictools: Building Sites and Pages
V3.3 (445)
login (tty options)
Initialize tty's (aka, command consoles or terminals)

As tcsh starts it reads and processes ~/.login. (See below for notes on ~, your home directory.) Typically this code sets variables and chooses shell options. If you choose bash, it similarly processes ~/.bashrc. Appropriate versions of these files are below for both the developer platform and the server. To fix line endings it may be necessary to process them with dos2unix.

Italicized text must be replaced with values appropriate for your system.

.login for developer platform (cygwin on MS Windows)

# If not running interactively, 
# the settings below will inherit
if ( $shlvl != 1 ) exit

# essential environment values
#     HOME root directory for the user's files
#            corresponds to ~
#     SRCROOT - directory for the root of
#            the page tree visible on the server
#     PICTOOLS - location of pictools directory 
#            often is $SRCROOT/pictools
#     JAVAROOT -  root of directories for
#            Java projects and tools/makesite.php

setenv HOME /cygdrive/U/Fred
setenv SRCROOT $HOME/Physpics/websrc
setenv PICTOOLS $SRCROOT/pictools
setenv JAVAROOT $HOME/Java
# on physpics server: 
#      HOME=/home/phypics  
#      SRCROOT=$HOME/physpics.com 
#      PICTOOLS $SRCROOT/pictools  

#add pictools to path
setenv PATH "${PICTOOLS}:${PATH}"

### convert Ant file names from Windows to Unix
if ( $?ANT_HOME ) \
    setenv ANT_HOME `cygpath --unix $ANT_HOME`
if ( $?M2_HOME ) \
    setenv M2_HOME `cygpath --unix $M2_HOME`
if ( $?M2 ) \
    setenv M2 `cygpath --unix $M2`

#set some shell options
set prompt='%c03> '
set autologout=300
set echo_style=bsd
set ellipsis=1
#PS1="\w> "
#define some handy shortcuts alias grI 'grep -rI ' # (ls coloring clashes with white-on-blue terminals) alias ls 'ls --color=never' alias ll "ls -l " alias la "ls -a " # handy code to print readable path alias showpath 'echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"' #SERVER# #### define these on the server #SERVER# set prompt="SS $prompt" #SERVER# # view page server logs #SERVER# alias lac less ~/logs/physpics.com/http/access.log #SERVER# alias ldb less ~/physpics.com/admin/logs/debug.txt echo /home/Fred/.login has set wd to $HOME cd $HOME

.login for web host (Linux)

# If not running interactively, 
#    the settings below will inherit
if ( $shlvl != 1 ) exit

setenv HOME /home/physpics
setenv SRCROOT $HOME/physpics.com
setenv PICTOOLS $SRCROOT/pictools

#add pictools to path
setenv PATH "${PICTOOLS}:${PATH}"

#set some shell options
set prompt='%c03> '
set autologout=300 set echo_style=bsd set ellipsis=1 #define some handy shortcuts alias grI 'grep -rI ' # (ls coloring fails for white-on-blue terminals) alias ls 'ls --color=never' alias ll "ls -l " alias la "ls -a " # handy code to print readable path alias showpath 'echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"' #### define these on the server set prompt="SS $prompt" # view page server logs alias lac less ~/logs/physpics.com/http/access.log alias ldb less ~/physpics.com/admin/logs/debug.txt echo /home/physpics/.login has set wd to $HOME cd $HOME

alternative code to convert all environment values that
start with Windows filenames: x:\...

This code runs longer than you might think.

printenv | gawk -F = 'BEGIN {a = "\047"}  \
1~/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/ && $2~/^[A-Za-z]:\\/ { line = $0; var = $1; cmd = "cygpath --unix " a ENVIRON[var] a; \
(cmd|getline); val = $0; close(cmd); \
if (line != (var "=" val)) print \ "setenv " var " " a val a; next} ' \
| source /dev/stdin

.bashrc for developer platform

# If not running interactively, 
# the settings below will inherit
[[ "$-" != *i* ]] && return

# essential environment values
#     HOME root directory for the user's files
#            corresponds to ~
#     SRCROOT - directory for the root of
#            the page tree visible on the server
#     PICTOOLS - location of pictools directory 
#            often is $SRCROOT/pictools
#     JAVAROOT -  root of directories for
#            Java projects and tools/makesite.php
export HOME=/cygdrive/U/Fred
export SRCROOT=$HOME/Physpics/websrc
export JAVAROOT=$HOME/Java
export PICTOOLS=$SRCROOT/pictools

#add pictools to path
export PATH="${PICTOOLS}:${PATH}"

# for ANT
if [[ -v ANT_HOME ]];
    export ANT_HOME=$(cygpath --unix $ANT_HOME)
if [[ -v M2_HOME ]];
    export M2_HOME=$(cygpath --unix $M2_HOME)
if [[ -v M2 ]];
    export M2=$(cygpath --unix $M2)

#set some shell options
#set prompt='%c03> '
#set autologout=300
#set echo_style=bsd
#set ellipsis=1
PS1="\w> "

# When changing directory small typos can be 
# ignored by bash by setting cdspell.  
# For example, cd /vr/lgo/apaache 
# would find /var/log/apache.
# shopt -s cdspell

#define some handy shortcuts
alias grI='grep -rI '
# (ls coloring clashes with white-on-blue terminals)
alias ls='ls --color=never'
alias ll="ls -l "
alias la="ls -a "
# handy code to print readable path
alias showpath='echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"'

#SERVER# PS1='SS \w> '
# view page server logs
#SERVER# alias lac="less ~/logs/physpics.com/http/access.log"
#SERVER# alias ldb="less ~/physpics.com/admin/logs/debug.txt"

echo /home/Fred/.bashrc has set wd to $HOME
cd $HOME

.bashrc for web host

# If not running interactively, 
# the settings below will inherit
[[ "$-" != *i* ]] && return

export HOME=/home/physpics
export SRCROOT=$HOME/physpics.com
export PICTOOLS=$SRCROOT/pictools

#add pictools to path
export PATH="${PICTOOLS}:${PATH}"

# for ANT
if [[ -v ANT_HOME ]];
    export ANT_HOME=$(cygpath --unix $ANT_HOME)
if [[ -v M2_HOME ]];
    export M2_HOME=$(cygpath --unix $M2_HOME)
if [[ -v M2 ]];
    export M2=$(cygpath --unix $M2)

#set some shell options
#set prompt='%c03> '
#set autologout=300
#set echo_style=bsd
#set ellipsis=1
PS1="\w> "

#define some handy shortcuts
alias grI='grep -rI '
alias ls='ls --color=never'
alias ll="ls -l "
alias la="ls -a "
# handy code to print readable path
alias showpath='echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n"'

PS1='SS \w> '
# view page server logs
alias lac="less ~/logs/physpics.com/http/access.log"
alias ldb="less ~/physpics.com/admin/logs/debug.txt"

echo /home/Fred/.bashrc has set wd to $HOME
cd $HOME
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