Sample picture page
Pictools has the goal of providing access to hundreds of pictures.
To be tidy, pictures are stored in a separate tree rooted at /pictures
Users can access them directly from that tree; for the image at right,
the picture is at
Viewed as an image, the picture lacks all niceties like navigation buttons.
The link for the nicer page, the one shown to the right, is
Links to this page are in a thumbs page and the NEXT
and PREV
buttons of adjacent images.
All three links are like this:
<a href="DSC03464.php">
Making links from thumbnails to picture pages
file: Spring Spring Flowers in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
picturesdir: /pictures/2014/03-March
subtitle: <a href="">Philadelphia Flower Show</a>
Susan timed her talk at Rutgers to afford a visit to the flower show.
Fragment of
When a source directory contains a captions file, say allcaps.cap
, gendirs
is invoked on the source computer to create one subdirectory for each "file:
" segment in that file. The subdirectory will contain a thumbs page called index.php
and .cap file called localcaptions.cap
. The latter being a copy of the segment's lines from allcaps.cap
. To generate the thumbs file, gendirs
expands thumbsparms.php
and when it reaches "$pictures
" it processes the lines of localcaptions.cap. For each [picturename.ext]
it expands an instance of pictd.html
, And there it is, in the middle of pictd.html
, the link line. The destination of the link is set to picturename
When a thumb link is clicked
Pictures are displayed in a picture frame by servepicture
. The most common way to get from a click on a thumbnail to servepicture
is via /.htaccess
, an Apache server configuration file. Its next-to-last rule says approximately:
If a request is for a non-existent file name.ext
in a directory dir
that has a localcaptions.cap
then change the request to
Note that the dir
value applies also to the image.
See the documentation for servepicture
to see how it handles this request by parsing localcaptions.cap
, setting
properties, and including frame.php
, which uses those properties. The location of the actual picture is taken from the picturesdir
line in the localcaptionscap
If there is no localcaptions.cap
, the request is passed to urlHandler
. The request could still be for a picture, because the directory may have been created by older code that did not create a localcaptions.cap
In that case, there may be an appropriate .cap
file in an ancestor directory.
To check for this case, urlHandler calls pkscripts.findCoveringCapFile looking for a captions file that mentions the requested picture.
If so, servepicture
is called appropriately and include frame.php
as above.
Making the NEXT
and PREV
links for a picture appear in the upper-right of a picture frame page. When a thumbs page picture link is clicked, the destination page does not exist, let alone its links. The link data is collected as servepicture
has the captions file scanned. The pages for NEXT
and PREV
are stored in properties
and frameparm.prev
. Frame.php
sets property page.toprow
to frame.toprow
, which which means there is only one top row, frametitle.php
. It is this latter file that sets the links to the values in the frameparm