2011 seemed an endless round of desultory travels; mostly involving family.
- Spring break, North Carolina to see my sister at home and Susan's sister
at a timeshare in Myrtle Beach.
- May: Cincinnati
- June: Susan took in Panama and CostaRica.
- July: Cincinnati for Lindsay's birthday; also a wedding at the ballpark.
- August: Erwin for Brian's birthday; also a wedding at a farm
- August: Durham to see my mom while Joann went to Europe; the trip featured an
extension tour to the Biltmore estate via Waltrip Racing World
- August: Seattle to see my other sister, Meg
From a timeshare in Myrtle Beach, SC
On the July trip to Cincinnati, we finally got a look at Fort Ancient.
About the time of Christ the natives living in southern Ohio built a ring of earthworks
five and a half kilometers long surrounding a level hill top. No one knows why.
My guess is they built it as a bison trap. The long arms of
the northern berms would funnel a stampeding herd through the narrow
opening into the southern ring. Only a few men would be needed at the opening to prevent
the herd's escape. Of course this theory would be more tenable
were someone to discover that there actually were bison in Ohio.
In Raleigh, NC, Tanya and Tavo were personally unharmed by the
But it did take all their trees except the one it smashed
through the roof into the living room.
The Biltmore estate of George Vanderbilt