New Delhi is a far cry from a typical Indian village. It features wide roads and plentiful parkland. Shops appear able to withstand a gale. This picture is the Indian parliament build, from the bus.
We did get to alight to visit India Gate, a war memorial.
Our next stop was a Sikh temple. Going in, we passed this building. Apparently they can fix hair, but not old auto-rickshaws.
The Sikhs require bare feet and head covering. And my hat was not good enough. Here I am decked out appropriately.
The area around the temple is built up, so there is no good exterior shooting angle. You are supposed to walk through the foot baths at the bottom of the stairs. (Just beneath the two gentlemen on the right.)
Front view of the altar. The object of worship is a book containing the writings of the ten founding prophets of Sikhism. In the foreground is the prayer rail. Before kneeling, you deposit money in the brass trough behind the rail. At the right are three musicians playing and singing. The left two have some sort of table accordian; the third plays percussion.
Sikhism is only a few hundred years old. Not too hidebound that they can't have a computer right behind the altar. I've no clue what it is for.
Gandhi's bedroom in his last days. His appointments are modest, but the house is on an elegant estate belonging to a benefactor.
Gandhi's last steps are preserved in concrete. Some try to walk them; exceeding huge and difficult feet to follow. Why is it that so many of the best people die at the hands of others?
The steps endded here.
Some housing by the road and the parklike ambiance.
Sturdy New Delhi shops. (Much more like Britain than the rest of India.) Britain built New Delhi from 1911 to 1921.
The real India hides under bridges in New Delhi.
Excellent care is available in New Delhi. Many can afford it, but not the folks under the bridge.
Last stop was the Bahai temple. One of only a dosen or so around the world. This one is a lotus bloom formed of white marble imported from Italy.
Many Indians visit the Bahai temple.
In the afternoon, I visited the zoo with Sarah who had to watch some primate for an hour. The first primate we came to was the lion-tailed macaque.