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by ZweiBieren Essays pens in a mug
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Map of microwave background as seen from earth universe

These notes try to convince you that you understand what Physics is about and how things work.

sketch of planet orbits solar system

References to the various blogs sprinkled among my vacation pictures.

Burkina Faso sketch country

"Civis" is concerned with civics, civility, and civilization. How can communities ensure their people freedom without chaos? How can communities coexist with sibling and surrounding communitees?

lightning church

Humans are genetically predisposed to religious feelings. How have these feelings helped? How have they been exploited?

Burkina Faso sketch organ

As a long-time go player, I've had a few things to say.


I've written lots of computer code in lots of languages. Here are some things I think you need to know.

sketch of planet orbits atom

I've put in here anything I wanted to say that didn't fit anywhere else.

Map of microwave background as seen from earth nothing
Diversion: A random rule for your consideration  
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