> Java > tools > ui
> Java > tools > ui
by ZweiBieren Package com.physpics.tools.ui brown wrench over yellow circle

Manyapplications need the same sorts of uer interface behaviors. The tools in this package are a a bit more specific versions of tools that are already in javax.swing.

src Jdoc class note
Java steaming cup doc with "J" AccentAction.java In lieu of many Input methods, this class provides keystrokes for most European characters.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" Arrow.java Draw an arrow. Among the options are the color, the width, presence of arrowheads at either end, and a label for the arrow's shaft.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" CheckOff.java Presents a list of strings with checkboxes and asks the user to pick one or more.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" ChoosableFileField.java Combines a JTextField naming a file-or-directory and a button to set the field via JFileChooser.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" DateParser.java Parses dates written in many possible month-before-day formats.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" DragRect.java Display a rectangle whose body and boundaries are draggable.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" Embed.java Super-class of objects embedable in an HTMLPage. Each enables interaction between the program and a document.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" HelpBox.java Adds to the display a window for a helpfile describing the client. Accepts location messages from the client and scolls the help window.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" HelpfulFileChooser.java Tries to do a slightly better job of asking for a file.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" HTMLDocPlus.java (deprecated in favor of HTMLKit, HTMLPage, HTMLPane, and Embed.) An augmented HTMLDoc. Most important is a mechanism for adding behaviors to what would otherwise be static elements in the document. Button presses can do anything: text can be revised, Images can change.
doc with "J" HTMLKit.java Extends HTMLEditorKit. Provides editing tools for HTMLPage as displayed in an HTMLPane. Part of a set of enhancements for HTMLDoc and friend.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" HTMLPage.java Extends HTMLDocument. Contains the document to be displayed. Part of a set of enhancements for HTMLDoc and friend.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" HTMLPane.java Extends JTextPane. Is the screen-space manager for an HTNLPage. Part of a set of enhancements for HTMLDoc and friend.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" INumber.java A number parser.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" Pointer.java A subclass of Arrow that draws its arrow from one AWT Component to another. The trickiest part was choosing attachment points for each Component.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" PropCon.java A subclass of Properties with defaults that can be connected to the same same set of properties files as accessed by Pictools's propcon.c
Java steaming cup doc with "J" PropertyPack.java A property machine that extends Java's ResourceBundles, especially in supporting multiple sources of propeties.
Java steaming cup doc with "J" PropertyPack_Bundle.java The Bundle manager for PropetyPack
Java steaming cup doc with "J" TextFields.java A TextFields is an adjunct to a JEditorPane. It delimits sections of the text that are editable and highlighted. There is also provision for adding labels with arrows to the segments.

AccentAction  To enable accents for a JTextArea, say jta, call AccentAction.allow(jta) This table lists the available accents.

sample accent name prefix is ctrl-
á acute accent ' (apostrophe)
ǎ caron, háček - (hyphen)
ç cedilla , (comma)
â circumflex ^ (circumflex)
ȧ dot above . (period)
à grave accent ` (accent grave)
å ring above o (letter o)
slash, stroke, bar / (slash)
ã tilde ~ (tilde)
ä umlaut, diaeresis " (double quote)
(hover a row for its accent-ables list)

CheckOff Sample

3 checkboxes in a single CheckOff

ChooseableFileField demo

text area and button

ColorRange window

11 colors in a range

DragRect demo

window with various items, including three draggable rectangles
final DragRect frG = DragRect.create(bodyR); 
    new Color(255,128,128,100)); // pink wash
frG.setRect(new Rectangle(75, 50, 40, 20));



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