> Annals > 2009 > Cincinnati
> Annals > 2009 > Cincinnati
by ZweiBieren Pictures from our Cincinnati visits The scoreboard intro for Bex Pistol, #54

Bex in roller derby
Bex protects
the back of the pack

A grandkid has proven an irresistable magnet for Grandma. So we get to Cincinnati almost every other month. While there I often walk the mile to Swaim Park to take the air and some pictures. After all these visits, though, I have yet to find a dramatic camera angle for a picture there.

Some of these pictures are of Rebecca is her guise as "Bex Pistol" a member of the Silent Lambs team in Flat Track Roller Derby. They play in a huge venue and are beginning to fill it up. After playing hard at the track, they relax at a local pub. As forbearance of my picture taking, I was drafted as designated driver.

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