> pictools > doc > GeneralStyles
> pictools > doc > GeneralStyles
Pictools: Physpics Page Pieces
V3.3 (445)
Styles used throughout PhysPics pages
usage in /Templates/PhyspicsMain.dwt: <link href="/GeneralStyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Defines CSS styles used throughout pictools. For details, see GeneralStyles.css itself.

The following tags have modified styles, mostly to adjust spacing. One concern is to assign all the vertical padding of a block to the top. Then class notop can be added to eliminate unwanted gaps, as when an indented item is part of the preceding fragment.

a, blockquote, body, code , dd, dl, dt, li, img, ol, table, table, tbody, td, tr, ul

Many button styles are defined, mostly to achieve hover effects:

activebutton, button, BLOGbutton, BLOGlist, button, capstext, emptybutclass, MAPbutton, MAPlist, nextbutclass, pagetitle, physpicspage, pictable, PIXbutton, PIXlist, prevbutclass, upbutclass

These format various features of the standard page, its headers, and footers:

bodycell, bodyrow, bodytable, bottomrow, dirbar, dirbarfront, dirbarmid, dirbartd, footercell, footerleft, footermiddle, footerright, footertable, leftcolumn, mainlogotd, maintitleblock1, maintitleblock2, maintitleblock3, maintitletable, maintitletable, rightcolumn, toprow, Zweibieren,

Styles that format other kinds of blocks:

clearfloat, codeblock, contentcell, footercell, headercell, iconcell, leftinset, paraAfter, paraFollowed, piccell, rightinset, section, sidebar, sidebarcell

More style:

capssubtitle, graybutton, notop, sectionhead, subtitle, supertitle

Some of the above styles are historic and no longer in much use.

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