> pictools > doc > downloadpictools
> pictools > doc > downloadpictools
Pictools Concepts
What is Pictools
Key Concepts
Three keys to understanding pictools
Properties Overview
Overview of how properties are defined and accessed
Captions Files
Overview of captions file, their definition and use
Template for all PhysPics pages
Building Sites and Pages
Tools used in conjunction with Pictools
1. Setup
Installing Pictools and setting initial properties
2. Make Pages
Creating a page, a sub-tree
3. Show Pix
Managing pictures and showing them
Descriptions of all defined properties
The contents of Makefiles in client directories
Directory structure on devlopment site and server
Page Pieces
Physpics Page Pieces
Pix Page Pcs
Pix Page Pieces
How It Works
How Things Work
Driver Pages
Driver Pages
for Make
MakeFile Internals
For Shell Scripts
Shell Script Tools
C Libraries
C libraries for Programs
Pix Mgmt
Manage a Collection of Pictures


Pictools V3.3 (445)
As of May 23 2024 14:59

The button above downloads pictools.tgz.  See setup, which expands on the following: Create a directory to be your site source tree; put pictools.tgz into it; extract from it with 'tar xkzf Pictools.tgz'. It will install several files to the current directory and its subdirectories admin, library, pictools, scripts, and Templates.

Copyright © 2023 ZweiBieren, All rights reserved. Feb 5, 2023 17:05 GMT Page maintained by ZweiBieren