"Civis" as a topic is meant to deal with the relations among people in a group or groups in the world. Mostly this is under politics and concerns war and power.
- Media and War
- Some wars have started when new inforamtion technologies have made it easier to discover oppression and organize against it.
- Why We Must Have War (Alas)
- Resource shortages are a root cause of war
- Do the Polls Agree? (2016)
- How the polls differed in the runup to the 2016 election. The one they mostly got wrong.
- My Dad Spoke Out (1953)
- In 1953, the head hooligan of the moment was Senator McCarthy.
- While Home Burns (2023)
- ChatGPT raps on the futility of expecting climste change action from Congress.
where is line between laws and morals
should we ignore laws we disagree with
we need government - see Premble to constitution
Can one wage war?
often the problem is resources
Death penalty?
birth control?