Physics is the study of fundamentals, elements and energy. Combinations of elements are relegated to less fundamental sciences like chemistry and biology. In these notes I focus on fostering intuitive understanding of basic concepts. You may not need Newton's law of cooling in daily life, but it can be powerful to have a little deeper understanding of heat beyond "It's too darn hot."
- Photons - How we see
A photon is a little bundle of energy. Some of them tweak molecules in your eye.
- Molecules
An atom is electrons, protons, and neutrons. A molecule is a bunch of atoms.
- Heat
- Heat is most often vibrating molecules.
- Quanta
- Einstein invented quantum theory by explaining that a bookkeeping method invented by Plank was actually a manifestation of something that might be sort of real.
- The Standard Model
Everything is built from a few standard pieces.
- Randomness
- Nature is fickle. How are we to cope?
The Binomial Distribution
- One way to understand random events is to
compare them to mathematical distributions.
The "binomial" distribution is a model of events that have only
two possible outcomes, like heads or tails.