Granddaughter: Why is grandpa working so hard on religion?
Her Mother: Because, child, he's studying for finals.
The only things that can be said for sure about religion is that all religions are ridiculous and everybody needs one. If you don't have an explicit religion you are probably buying into one of the default religions of your culture like capitalism or veganism.
Someone asked about my religion and—always the impetuous wise-ass—I replied, "The Church of the oly Quantum." Having said that, I felt compelled to invent the Church, C_Q for short. These notes include general thoughts on religion and specific guidance if you want join C_Q.
The name of the Church is spelled with (or "W/H") to avoid choosing whether the Quantum is holy or the universe is wholly Quantum. Both may be true.
The Church of the oly Quantum
- A church for all.
- On the Date of Creation
- The universe is younger than you knew.
- What Is Faith
- Why do religions emphasize "faith?"
- God Blessed America
- Why does the President say, "God Bless America?"
- Prayer
- What is the proper use of prayer? Hint: It is not to ask for things.
- Civility
- How should should we treat one another?
- Serenity
- How can we calm ourselves and be at peace?
- Death Is …
- Death is not what we may think it is
- To The Better End
- Each of us will die. What planning can we do beforehand to avoid prolonging the misery?